I need to compress and merge multiple JavaScript files (in a particular folder) to a single file using Shrinksafe. I'm able to merge the files to a single one using the below command.
java -jar shrinksafe.jar *.js > testMin.js
The problem with this is that, it does not put all the script in a single line. It just removes the comments.
Also I need to achieve the same task using ant build script.
I tried the below approach
<target name="compress-js">
<echo message="Starting JS compress Build"/>
<java fork="true" dir="${shrinksafe.util.path}/buildscripts" classname="org.mozilla.javascript.tools.shell.Main">
<arg value="build.js"/>
<arg line="releaseDir=../../../../../../StaticFiles/acb profile=acb_js action=clean,release *.js > acb.js" />
<pathelement location="${shrinksafe.util.path}/shrinksafe/js.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${shrinksafe.util.path}/shrinksafe/shrinksafe.jar"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<echo message="js build successfull." />
I'm not sure if I can achieve my requirement using the above script. The is the dojo profile that I'm using.
//Below code is from acb-js.profile.js file.
dependencies = {
layers: [
name: "../gp-js.js",
dependencies: [
prefixes: [
["scripts", "../../scripts"]
My JavaScript files are inside StaticFiles/acb/homepage
Please help me.Thanks in advance. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried the online facility for ShrinkSafe Here? I haven't used the jar or ant to do that, so I don't know how if that will work!