I have a Pivot Title Template so that the Pivot page has a title and subtitle. I want to set both via code.
I build the XAML in Blend and without code binding, it does display so that part works.
However, my binding isn't working. It either won't build because the object doesn't have a DataContext, or the object doens't exist in current context or does build but won't display. When it doesn't display, I assume I'm binding to the wrong XAML object.Each object is named only so I could find the right object to bind to.
The containing class for the bound code of Title and Subtitle looks like:
public class PivotTitle
public string Title = "";
public string Subtitle = "";
My question is: how do I correctly bind the TitleTemplate so that the two TextBlocks' Text properties can be set in code?
Here is the XAML
<controls:Pivot.TitleTemplate >
<DataTemplate x:Name="PivotTitleTemplateDataTemplate" >
<StackPanel x:Name="MyPivotTitle" DataContext="{Binding}" >
<TextBlock x:Name="Title"
Text="{Binding Title}"
<TextBlock x:Name="Subtitle"
Text="{Binding Subtitle}"
The title and subtitle are dependent on the page navigated from. The code behind looks like:
//defined at top of page class public PivotTitle _PivotTitle = new PivotTitle();
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
string queryStringDeploymentName = "";
_PivotTitle.Title = SelectedDeployment.DeploymentName;
_PivotTitle.Subtitle = App.ViewModel.AppSettings.UpdatedText;
MyPivotTitle.DataContext = _PivotTitle;
This particular example won't build with this error: The name 'MyPivotTitle' does not exist in the current context. The binding on the Pivot page's Listbox is working correctly.
I believe my codebehind and overall XAML are correct. I think I'm DataContext binding incorrectly.
Thanks for any help.
In your example MyPivotTitle is an element within the DataTemplate, so cannot be accessed directly from your code, hence the error. If you need to access a control inside a template of an items control (such as Pivot
or ListBox`) then you may find this article from WIndowsPhoneGeek.com useful.
However, it sounds like you might be able to do this without any "hacking". Is this title and subtitle just for a single pivot item, or will it be on all of them? What other data, if any are you binding on the pivot item(s)?