I have a QTableWidget and I want to disable the behavior that a row or column is selected when you click on a row or column header.
Does anyone know how to开发者_C百科 disable this behavior?
Edit: The headers need to remain clickable, because the onClick-function is needed.
You might want to disconnect the selectColumn slot from the sectionPressed signal of the header, something along the lines:
disconnect(horizontalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionPressed(int)),this, SLOT(selectColumn(int)));
This eliminates the column selection behavior you describe and trades it in for sorting by column!
There are several several ways to do it
- The simple way that is not so good :) (and depends on Qt implementations as everything :): in the table view its horizontal header sectionPressed(int) is connected to table selectColumn(int), so you can simply disconnect them :( (the same sure for vertical header)
- You can ipmlement the table view virtual selectionCommand(const QModelIndex&, const QEvent* event) interface and return "no selection" if event is 0 (as it's a 0 then while clicking on header area)
- And finally the best and original solution: You can have and then set your own selectionModels both for table and its header (or headers) and re implement the selection behaviors as you want.
This property holds which selection mode the view operates in. SelectionMode
Or maybe you need tableWidget->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows )
This property holds which selection behavior the view uses.
you can try setting false to the function setClickable
If this works, then you can do the same for [verticalHeader][2]
[2]: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qtableview.html#verticalHeader "verticalHeader"
I know the answer to this question.
disconnect(yourTableWidget->horizontalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionPressed(int)),yourTableWidget, SLOT(selectColumn(int)));
for example:
QTableWidgetItem * p_wgtitm = this->ui->tblwSome->item( 0, 0 );
int flags = p_wgtitm->flags();
flags &= ~(Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
p_tblitm->setFlags( (Qt::ItemFlags)flags );
If Qt for Python is acceptable, it worked for me by doing this:
def setModel(self, model):
Apparently the signal was getting connected in setModel
. I just disconnected from everything.