
"missing ; before statement" error for getJSON call

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-19 05:22 出处:网络
Can someone please explain the following.I\'ve scoured the net for ages trying to find help and I believe I\'m doing everything correctly but still getting errors.

Can someone please explain the following. I've scoured the net for ages trying to find help and I believe I'm doing everything correctly but still getting errors.

I have the following script on my page:

        function GetPageAdvert2(url) {

                pagename:   url,
                success:    function(data) { alert(data) }

And my webservice returns nothing more than:


The problem is that when I call GetPageAdvert2, nothing is happening.

My WebService (written in VB.Net) is:

        <WebMethod()> _
<ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json, XmlSerializeString:=False, UseHttpGet:=True)> _
Public Sub CheckAdvert(ByVal pagename As String, ByVal callback As String)

    Dim pageUID As Integer = 0
    Dim advertURL As List(Of aU) = New List(Of aU)()

    Dim sss As String

    Using con As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(My.Settings.sqlConnection2)

           SQL STUFF IN HERE
           the SELECT statement will return a value and place it in Variable SSS

    End Using

    Context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"
    Context.Response.Write(callback & "('" & sss & "');")

End Function

The re开发者_StackOverflowsponse I'm getting back (in FF) is:

callback    jsonp1300979718942
contentType application/json; charset=utf-8
pagename    default.html
success undefined


This is mostly, what I believe, to be correct.

However the "Alert(data)" isn't producing anything other than "undefined".

When using JSONP, you can't simply return a JSON string, as the string returned will actually get injected into the current page in a new script element. You need to return a valid JavaScript statement that calls a callback handler, in which the response is parsed.

There's an example on the Wikipedia page:

parseResponse({"Name": "Cheeso", Id : 1823, "Rank": 7})

Note that above syntax is not valid JSON, which is in this case not needed, as you only pass a JavaScript object in literal notation.

Moreover, as x10 said in his comment, jQuery changes the ? in the callback query parameter to a unique function, which you should call, so don't just copy-paste the above example, but replace parseResponse with the mentioned parameter.

Update: the final thing you should change are the parameters to jQuery.getJSON: the syntax looks like:

jQuery.getJSON( url, [ data ], [ success(data, textStatus, jqXHR) ] )

So you should just pass your success function as the second or third parameter, not as part of an object (compare this to the general jQuery.ajax() function call):

$.getJSON("***URL***.asmx/CheckAdvert?callback=?", function(data) { callback(data) });

I think your function should look like:

function GetPageAdvert2(url) {
            $.getJSON("***URL HERE***.asmx/CheckAdvert?callback=?", 
               pagename:  url,
               success: function(data){

Note that the success is a property of the getJSON. You had it outside



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