Sorry for not having proper title to the question,
I have a list view that can implement drag and drop. It implements two directions, up and down. In down direction I have just given more height (60dp normal , more height is 120dp).
The list item contains a textview and an image view. The problem comes up when I drag up, I want to pass the same list height but instead of default behavior [List item grows downwards....] the list item should go upwards and it must have same 120dp height.
This is what happens [Downwards direction]
[*this denotes the height is 120dp downwards*]
This is what I want.[Upwards direction]
[*this denotes the height is 120dp upwards*]
How ca开发者_StackOverflow社区n it be possible?
can you rephrase your question? what are your requirements? On a semi-related note, all motion events inside of a listview/scrollview are consumed by the scrolling view. It would be hard for you to drag items out of a listview.
Check out this implementation of drag and drop in Music app.
You can also get ideas from Mark Murphy's implementation: cwac-touchlist.