I have a string
Mr praneel PIDIKITI
When I use this regular expression
String[] nameParts = name.split("\\s+");
instead of getting three parts I am only getting two, Mr
and Praneel PIDIKITI
I am unable to split the second string. Does anyone know what could be the pr开发者_如何学JAVAoblem?
I even used split(" ");
The problem is I used replaceAll("\\<.*?>", " ").trim();
to convert html into this string and then I am using name.split("\\s+");
to get the name value.
I think it must be something other than space (some special character).
Your code should work. I suspect your input. There could be a non printable junk character between Praneel and PIDIKITI. For example,
String name = "Mr praneel" + (char)1 +"PIDIKITI";
String[] nameParts = name.split("\\s+");
for(String s : nameParts)
Are you sure that there is no junk character between Praneel and PIDIKITI?
Remove non printable characters like this:
// remove non printable characters excluding white space characters
name = name.replaceAll("[^\\p{Print}\\s]","");
If you're parsing HTML, may I recommend JSoup? Its a good HTML parser for java