OK, the title may be quite confusing. I'll try 开发者_如何学JAVAto explain. I have an element, that when clicked is calling a function with jQuery and the style of the element is changed from one to another:
$(".edit").click(function() {
$(".save").click(function() {
// do form post
<span class="edit"></span>
When I click it the style does change. I checked with FireFinder for Firebug and indeed I see "save" class but when it is clicked, it does not appear that I trigger second function, but rather still the first one. Why? And how do I fix that?
You have to add a LIVE event - http://api.jquery.com/live/
$(".edit").live('click', function() {
$(".save").live('click', function() {
// do form post
You have to use the live function I think. When you first attach the click handler it doesn't match any elements:
Try this:
$(".edit, .save").click(function() {
if($(this).hasClass("edit") {
} else {
Assign an id to the element rather than applying the "this" statement. and then change the class .
I have done something exactly the same and it works.