i'm creating a web application in as开发者_如何转开发p.net in which i would like to give user a one JavaScript code, through which the user can get content from my website to his/her own website.
i've used one generic handler to process user request in my website.
so, now How can i do this, i've tried using jQuery.. jQuery can only process requests from current server, not from other server (if i'm not wrong)
code on www.otherwebsite.com
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.x.x.js"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div id="result"> </div>
Above code isn't working.. :(
is there any other way to send content from my website to other website??
any help would b greatly appreciated. -thanx
Your above example violates Same Origin Policy. You can circumvent this by doing the call through a proxy on the server side.
You could simply have the full javascript widget code on your own server which your website owner friends could paste into their site with a simple
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://example.com/myjavacript.ashx"></script>
This widget would then create the form, input boxes, text information you want to display, etc., for carrying out the query, by using document.write("Some HTML");
However, website owners would probably prefer simply inserting an iframe from your site which contains the widget. This is more trustworthy; otherwise, you could always modify your javascript to make it grab user information from protected pages. Unless you need to be modifying the HTML on their pages, instead of inserting a simple widget, the iframe method is preferable, since it keeps users of your information better protected and creates a more trusting environment.
[ EDIT: Please note the answer below by HurnsMobile about same-origin policy - it is important. ]
The answer is to use JSONP. It gets around the same-domain policy.