Is it possible to cascade supervisors inside an application?
E.g. supervisor sup1
spawning a child pr开发者_JAVA技巧ocess which creates a supervisor sup2
You probably want to add the child as supervisor.
It is an entry in the childspec of a child of a supervisor. The "type" of the child can be set to "supervisor":
Probably you can do it via the child starting a supervisor itself too but it is at least less elegant and it is less evident what you are doing.
HTH, h.
Yes, you can simply add supervisors as children of a supervisor. Or mix and match. I do something like this usually:
(in my top level supervisor)
init([]) ->
Args = [],
ModuleArray = [get_info(Module, Args)
|| Module
<- [emx_nodestate, emx_sup_data, emx_sup_util, emx_sup_api,
{ok, {{one_for_one, 3, 1}, ModuleArray}}.
get_info(Module, Args) ->
{Module, {Module, start_link, [Args]}, permanent, 10000,
worker, [Module]}.
And then something like emx_sup_data (behaviour supervisor) contains:
init([]) ->
Args = [],
ModuleArray = [get_info(Module, Args)
|| Module <- [job_housekeep]],
{ok, {{one_for_all, 3, 1}, ModuleArray}}.
get_info(Module, Args) ->
{Module, {Module, start_link, [Args]}, permanent, 10000,
worker, [Module]}.
and something like emx_nodestate (behaviour gen_server)
init([]) ->
{ok, #state{status=starting, interested=[]}}.
Works like a dream...!
To see how other folks structure their apps why dont you fire up a shell and run the toolbar:
That gives you a graphical view of a supervisor heirarchy. A quick look at the kernel supervisor tree, or mnesia or yaws, will show you what a 'normal' supervisor tree looks like.
You compose an application of sub-systems supervised by an application supervisor. Each sub-system can be many sub-sub-systems under the sub-system supervisor (continue applying pattern in recursive functional manner until you run out of granularity...)