Stripped down example:
trait WithUpperBounds[AA[_] <: Set[_], Node, Edge] {
val nodes: AA[Node]
val edges: AA[Edge]
class WithoutUpperBounds[AA[_] <: Set[_], Node, Edge](
val nodes: AA[Node],
val edges: AA[Edge]
) extends WithUpperBounds[AA, Node, Edge] {
val nodes2Set: Set[Node] = nodes
val edges2Set: Set[Edge] = edges
REPL output:
scala> :l …/Sandbox.scala
Loading …/Sandbox.scala...
defined trait WithUpperBounds
<console>:10: error: type mismatch;
found : AA[Node]
required: Set[Node]
val nodes2Set: Set[Node] = nodes
<console>:11: error: type mismatch;
found : AA[Edge]
required: Set[Edge]
val e开发者_如何学运维dges2Set: Set[Edge] = edges
Higher-order functions especially for comprehensions compound my issue.
Change the wildcard in the Seq[_] description to this:
class WithoutUpperBounds[AA[_] <: Seq[_ <: Node], B <: Node](val nodeSeq: AA[B]) extends WithUpperBounds[AA, B] {
@thoredge pointed me in the right direction. I found the solution in Predef.scala:
type Set[A] = collection.immutable.Set[A]
Wildcards throws away type equivalence but you can instead abstract over any arbitrary parameter without declaring it. My trait now looks like:
trait WithUpperBounds[AA[B] <: Set[B], Node, Edge]…