how can i get the WcfFacility to make my service Per call, I have tried
Component.For<IService1>().ImplementedBy<Service1>().AsWcfService(new DefaultServiceModel()).LifeStyle.PerWcfOperation()
however when I run the WCF Test client with out the "create new proxy" box ticked it does not run the ctor everytime.
please help
开发者_运维问答(ps this is not same issue as the other post of mine, that is still an issue too)
Shiraz pointed out a way which I was aware of however knowning castle does lifeStyle management of PerCall and PerSession, i was hoping for a way which did not include the default attributes.
I recently changed the line of code in the question to
Component.For<IService1>().ImplementedBy<Service1>().ActAs(new DefaultServiceModel().Hosted()).LifeStyle.PerWcfOperation()
which resulted in a PerCall (on my machine). Would be very interested if this was the intended behaviour
Have you specified percall at the service definition:
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
class MyService : IMyContract {...}