I'd like to traverse a text file a pull out groups of lines at a time. In the example below, I'd like to grep all lines below AAA but stop at bbb (ie all of th开发者_Python百科e 'xxx')
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx -------bbb-------- yyy yyy yyy yyy ------AAA--------- xxx xxx xxx xxx ------bbb-------- yyyif you don't care about inclusion of AAA and bbb lines, this should suffice for your example
$ awk '/AAA/,/bbb/' file
if you don't want AAA and bbb lines
$ awk '/bbb/{f=0}/AAA/{f=1;next}f{print}' file
Alternatively, if you have Ruby(1.9+)
$ ruby -0777 -ne 'puts $_.scan(/-+AAA-+(.*?)-+bbb-+/m) ' file