I'm building a rails 3 app in which it sells a limited number of items. I'm looking for a way to hold an item for a specific amount of time so that when someone selects an item, they have time to purchase it before someone else can purchase it before them. I have done some research as to row locking but haven't found a usable method thus far开发者_运维知识库 for specifying a time.
Thanks for any help or ideas
This is a typical workflow pattern, where you acquire an object for a duration. You can achieve this easily by implementing application level locks.
1) Add lock fields to the model.
2) Now you can implement this logic in the Product model.
class Product
belongs_to :locker, :class_name => "User",
:condition => lambda { {:conditions => ["lock_until < ? ", Time.now]}}
def locked?
!lock_until.nil? and lock_until > Time.now
def lock_for_duration(usr, duration=10.minutes)
return false if locked?
self.locker_id = user.id
self.lock_until = duration.from_now
def release_lock
return true unless locked?
self.locker_id = nil
self.lock_until = nil
Here is how to use this:
usr = User.first
product.lock_for_duration(usr, 30.minutes)
I would recommend setting a locked_until
timestamp that's checked whenever someone attempts to buy one of these items. If there are no items with a locked_until
time in the past, then all items are "sold out". For actual selling of the items, I would have a sold
boolean field.