My test class is described like this:
private String TESTFILES = "test/tests";
@DataProvider(name = "tests")
public Iterator<Object[]> readTestFiles() {
// read a list of files ...
@Test(dataProvider = "tests")
public void sendRequest(File f) throws ParseException {
// do something
The test report is look like this:
PASSED: sendRequest(test\tests\text.xml)
Default test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
How can I change the output name in the report ?
This one: sendRequest(test\tests\text.xml)
I'll have instead: sendRequest(text.xml)
The problem is, If the dataprovider is providing a long text as sting, then the test report looks horrible.
The test method parameter is simply the .toString() flattening of the argument. You can wrap your File argument in a simple holder like the following:
class FileHolder {
private final File file;
FileHolder(File f) {
this.file = f;
public String toString() {
return this.file.getName();
But of course then you have to extract the file from the holder. I've found this technique useful, too, when I expect I might have to add more fields to the @DataProvider output and I don't want to have to change method signatures multiple times.