I am using Vim to edit/compile individual cpp
files (makepgr=g++\ -g\ %
) and want to execute the resulting binaries ideally using a shortkey like F6. The desired behavior is then, to open a new window similar to :cwindow
with a fixed maximal height (say 20 lines), which contains the program output. I also want to be able to close this window again with another shortkey like F7.
As a bonus, it would be great to have the execution time of the program shown in the windows title/status.
EDIT: the binaries I am talking about are non-interactive! They mostly read some input files, do data manipulation, write their results to 开发者_如何学JAVAother files and have some output while doing so.
This little script should do the trick:
let s:title="ProgramOutput"
function! Open_output_window()
let winnr = bufwinnr(s:title)
if winnr != -1
exe winnr . 'wincmd w'
let bufnr = bufnr(s:title)
if(bufnr == -1)
let wcmd = s:title
let wcmd = '+buffer' . bufnr
exe 'silent! botright vertical 80 split ' .wcmd
silent! setlocal buftype=nofile
silent! setlocal noswapfile
silent! setlocal nobuflisted
function! Close_output_window()
let winnr = bufwinnr(s:title)
if winnr != -1
exe winnr . 'wincmd w'
nmap <F6> <ESC>:call Open_output_window()<CR>:r ! %:r.exe<CR>
nmap <F5> <ESC>:call Close_output_window()<CR>
Most of this code came from the taglist.vim plugin - it's reasonably simple to understand.
You can modify the split
command for your window size preferences.
I'm not sure if this is helpful in any way, since you're asking about vim:
My first thought about how to solve this problem would be usage of GNU screen. Reason is not, that vim isn't capable of doing this, but that vim isn't exactly usable as terminal emulator, so running some interactive programs doesn't work. Plus screen is relatively easy to configure.
I would of course write a specialized screen config for that task.
Add to the vimrc:
map <F6> :tabnew<CR>:.!ls -la<CR>
Open vim and press F6. You should see in the new tab with the output of the command ls -la
. Now, if this works for you then you can change it (replace myprog with the name of your executable):
map <F6> :tabnew<CR>:.!./myprog<CR>
You can even give name to this tab:
map <F6> :tabnew myprog<CR>:.!./myprog<CR>
Do not like tabs? Replace tabnew
with split
or vsplit
wich allows to split window horizontally or vertically. Want splitted window to be small? Use
map <F6> :5split myprog<CR>:.!./myprog<CR>
Replace 5
with any other number you likes. Also add
map <F7> :tabclose<CR>
to get ability to close the tab by pressing F7.
P.S. You can replace hard-coded myprog
name with expand("%:r").".exe"
(for Windows) or just expand("%:r")
(for *nix) as already been said.
You could redirect the input into the quickfix window (similar to how :make
:cex system(expand("%:r").".exe")
You can navigate through quickfix history using :colder
and :cnewer
I realise this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but hopefully it's near enough to be useful.