I have some XML which I am reading by jQuery and printing on screen.
This is XML
This is JS
$(xml).find("user").each(function(index, user) {
var timestamp = $(user).children("date_time:first").text();
//the dt has date and time in such format 2011-03-18T03:41:00-07:00
//more code which generates below html and add to the userTable
// <td>
// <div>First Name</div>
// <div>2011-03-18T03:41:00-07:00</div>
// </td>
//$("#userTable").append(...all rows here...);
This is HTML
<table id="userTable">
This is working perfect though the only thing I want to do is sorting this list of users when shown through HTML table. Is there a jQuery plugin I can use or any way around?
jQuery tablesorter will do the trick.
There is a jQuery plugin called $.timeago which did the magic.
It is fairly simple to sort by dates using the Date object. See a similar example I put together using the Date object and a neat use of BACKREFERENCES of the global RegExp object at:
You should be able to modify it to your purpose.