I am getting the following error:
Error assembling WAR: webxml attribute is required (or pre-existing WEB-INF/web.xml if executing in update mode)
I have got web.xml
in right place which is projectname\src\main\webapp\WEB-IN开发者_开发问答F\web.xml
What could be causing this?
It would be helpful if you can provide a code snippet of your maven-war-plugin.
Looks like the web.xml
is at right place, still you can try and give the location explicitly
This solution works for me (I was using 2.2 before). Also, I am using Java Based Configuration for Servlet 3.0 and no need to have web.xml file.
It works perfectly for me too.
This is because you have not included web.xml in your web project and trying to build war using maven. To resolve this error, you need to set the failOnMissingWebXml to false in pom.xml file.
For example:
Please see the blog for more details: https://ankurjain26.blogspot.in/2017/05/error-assembling-war-webxml-attribute.html
If you are migrating from XML-based to Java-based configuration and you have removed the need for web.xml by implementing WebApplicationInitializer, simply remove the requirement for the web.xml file to be present.
The value of my webXml tag needed to look like this in order to work:
I had the exact same problem and i solved it like this :
Make a new folder named WEB-INF
under src/main/webbapp
Right Click on your Project -> Java EE Tools -> Generate Deployment Descriptor Stub
This should generate your web.xml
I hope this helps by solving your problem :D
It does look like you have web.xml in the right location, but even so, this error is often caused by the directory structure not matching what Maven expects to see. For example, if you start out with an Eclipse webapp that you are trying to build with Maven.
If that is the issue, a quick fix is to create a
and a
directory (and other directories if you need them) and just move your files.
Here is an overview of the maven directory layout: http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-standard-directory-layout.html