usigned int val = 1;
val <<= 30;
cout << intToBin(val) << endl;
string intToBin(unsigned int val) {
unsigned int k=1;
string ret;
while (k <= val) {
if (k & val) {
} else {
开发者_开发技巧 ret.insert(0,"0");
k <<= 1;
return ret;
This will write 1 and 30x 0 which is alright. But what I need is to have the 1 on the highest bit, meaning on the first position - followed by 31x zeros. But when I try to val <<= 31; nothing is written, which I don't understand. Could you clarify that for me please?
Thank you
Your while loop will not terminate if val
is >= 2^31
This is because k == 2^31
is still <=
but 2^31 << 1 == 2^32
overflows and becomes 0. Which is still smaller than the limit.
You could extend your condition to break if k == 0
too, then the problem should disappear.
means exponentiation not xor in this post)