I am getting this warning while building for Release -
iPhone/iPod Touch: icon.png: icon dimensions (72 x 72) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 57x57 pixels, in .png format (-19014)
This is a universal app and I have two icon.png files in my project one in iPhone -> images and other in iPad -> images.
Also in info.plist file I s开发者_运维技巧et Icon file to "icon" (without any extension) I am assuming that it will find the correct file for iPhone 3 , iPhone 4 and iPad accordingly.
How can I resolve this warning?
i had the same problem, just go to Edit Project Settings -> Build -> uncheck Compress PNG Files,and everything be OK.
It is correct for the iphone were you need 2 icons (one 57 by 57 and one 114 by 114) and it will select the right one. But for the ipad you need to create a 72 by 72 icon, name it in a different name and set its name in the infoplist.
BTW in xcode 4 you have a simple UI for setting the icons.
you can read more here : http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1686/_index.html
There is once I mistakenly set the project's Devices to Universal, resulting in the same error.
The fix is Target > Summary > Devices > Change to iPhone