I have a table of accounts and a table of transactions. In a report I need to show the following for each account:
First Purchase Date,
First Purchase Amount,
Last Purchase Date,
Last Purchase Amount,
# of Purchases,
Total of All Purchases.
The transaction table looks like this:
Currently the query I've inherited has a sub-query for each of these elements. It seems to me that there's got to be a more efficient wa开发者_Python百科y. I'm able to use a stored procedure for this and not a single query.
A sample of a query to get all transactions for a single account would be:
select * from tx_table where card_number = '12345' and TX_Type = 'Purchase'
Any ideas?
try this:
select tt1.post_date as first_purchase_date,
tt1.tx_amount as first_purchase_amount,
tt2.post_date as last_purchase_date,
tt2.tx_amount as last_purchase_amount,
tg.pc as purchase_count,
tg.amount as Total
from (select Card_Number,min(post_date) as mipd, max(post_date) as mxpd, count(*) as pc, sum(TX_Amount) as Amount from tx_table where TX_Type = 'Purchase' group by card_number) tg
join tx_table tt1 on tg.card_number=tt1.card_number and tg.mipd=tt1.post_date
join tx_table tt2 on tg.card_number=tt2.card_number and tg.mxpd=tt2.post_date
where TX_Type = 'Purchase'
I added the count .. I didn't see it first time.
If you need also the summary on multiple TX_Types, you have to take it from the where clause and put it in the group and the inner selection join. But I guess you need only for purchases
;with cte as
row_number() over(partition by TX_Type, Card_Number order by Post_Date asc) as FirstP,
row_number() over(partition by TX_Type, Card_Number order by Post_Date desc) as LastP
from tx_table
F.Post_Date as "First Purchase Date",
F.TX_Amount as "First Purchase Amount",
L.Post_Date as "Last Purchase Date",
L.TX_Amount as "Last Purchase Amount",
C.CC as "# of Purchases",
C.Amount as "Total of All Purchases"
from (select Card_Number, TX_Type, count(*) as CC, sum(TX_Amount) as Amount
from cte
group by Card_Number, TX_Type) as C
inner join cte as F
on C.Card_Number = F.Card_Number and
C.TX_Type = F.TX_Type and
F.FirstP = 1
inner join cte as L
on C.Card_Number = L.Card_Number and
C.TX_Type = L.TX_Type and
L.LastP = 1