I'm trying to open a new document (a document that I am creating) in my VSProject using the steps described here:
- How to: Open Project-Specific Editors
However I'm not having much success - the above link tells me that I should be calling IVsUIShell.CreateDocumentWindow however I get a return value of -2147024809
) and the output ppWindowFrame
is null.
What am I doing wrong? Are there any examples on how to create a new document window using this method?
This is what I have so far:
int retval = rdt.FindAndLockDocument(
(uint)_VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_EditLock, // dwRDTLockType
myDocumentUniqueIdentifier, // pszMkDocument
out hierachy, // ppHier
out itemId, // pitemid
out docData, // ppunkDocData
out cookie); // pdwCookie
IVsWindowFrame windowFrame;
Guid emptyGuid = Guid.Empty;
Guid editorType = new Guid(GuidList.VSPackageEditorFactoryString);
// I know that the document is not open
retval = shell.CreateDocumentWindow(
0, // grfCDW
myDocumentUniqueIdentifier, // pszMkDocument
(IVsUIHierarchy)hierachy, // pUIH
itemId, // itemid
IntPtr.Zero, // punkDocView
docData, // punkDocData
ref editorType, // rguidEditorType
"MyPhysicalView", // pszPhysicalView
ref emptyGuid, // rguidCmdUI
this, // psp
"New document", // pszOwnerCaption
"New document", // pszEditorCaption
null, // pfDefaultPosition
out windowFrame); // ppWindowFrame
The return value from FindAndLockDocument
is 1
), which I assume means that the document was not found. itemId
is uint.MaxValue
which is definitely a bad sign - do I need to create an entry in the running document table somehow before calling CreateDocumentWindow
? If so how do I do this?
Any examples or sampl开发者_开发技巧es which cover the above ground would be very helpful.
I finally managed this with the help of this thread on the MSDN forums:
- Is there a way to launch fileless editor manually?
My code now uses the IVsUIShellOpenDocument
interface and the OpenDocumentViaProjectWithSpecific
method - the following snippet is basic but actually works:
IVsUIShellOpenDocument shellOpenDocument = (IVsUIShellOpenDocument)GetService(typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument));
string mkDocument = "MyUniqueDocumentId";
// This is the GUID for the editor factory, i.e. the one that appears in the Guid attribute on your
// editor factory (that implements IVsEditorFactory): [Guid(GuidList.guid_VSPackageEditorFactory)]
Guid xmlGuid = GuidList.guid_VSPackageEditorFactory;
string physicalView = null;
Guid logicalViewGuid = VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Primary;
Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider ppSP;
IVsUIHierarchy ppHier;
uint pitemid;
IVsWindowFrame ppWindowFrame;
ref xmlGuid,
ref logicalViewGuid,
out ppSP,
out ppHier,
out pitemid,
out ppWindowFrame);
if (ppWindowFrame != null)