Moq allows mocking protected virtual members (see here). Is it possible to开发者_JAVA百科 do the same in FakeItEasy?
It can be done, however it can not be done out of the box. The trick is to implement IFakeObjectCallRule and add it to your fake through Fake.GetFakeManager(foo).AddRule(myRule).
I'm thinking of implementing this feature though, it would be something like this:
A.CallTo(foo).WhereMethod(x => x.Name == "MyProtectedMethod").Returns("whatever");
The syntax is not quite refined yet though.
Edit The feature mentioned above is now implemented:
A.CallTo(foo).Where(x => x.Method.Name == "MyProtectedMethod").WithReturnType<int>().Returns(10);
In addition to Patrik's answer, I thought it would be relevant in this post to add a tip of how you could mock a protected property member:
A.CallTo(foo).Where(x => x.Method.Name == "get_MyProtectedProperty").WithReturnType<int>().Returns(10);
This is actually how reflection treats 'getter' methods of properties.
Hope it helps :)