Currently I'm developing a website with MYSQL INNODB and I need someone to help me out how to join tables so I can match the providers with the quote
Here is my tables structure
quote - quoteId,postcodeId
provider - providerId
areaProviderPreference - postcodeId,providerId
postcode - postcodeId
Basically I need to write a MYSQL query which return a list of all the providers which cover with the quote postcodeId. Can someone help me out please :) I'm totally struggling with it!开发者_运维问答
Thanks so much in advance.
select p.* from provider p
inner join areaProviderPreference ap on p.providerID = ap.providerID
inner join quote q on ap.postcodeId = q.postcodeID
In addition if you need postCode details also, then you need an additional join as
inner join PostCode pc on pc.postCodeId = ap.postcodeId
SELECT p.providerid
FROM provider p
JOIN areaproviderpreference app
ON app.providerid = p.providerid
JOIN quote q
ON q.quoteid = app.postcodeid
GROUP BY p.providerid
you need indexes on
- (areaproviderpreference.providerid)
- (quote.quoteid)
- (provider.providerid)
Actually you don't event need JOIN quote, but you may want to use a WHERE clause there.