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Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this questionI have been using Eclipse for C and C++ development for some time. Unfortunately Eclipse has it's faults (speed, the crappy integrated console, and some bugs that pop up from time to time).
For C++ development Qt Creator is a very good choice, but I need something for both C and C++.
I don't really need the integration parts of the IDE (I don't need an integrated project manager, compiler or debuger). What I need is code navigation. Eclipse provides a great feature "callgraph for structure elements" that is unparalleled when I need to modify big crummy code bases (which is what I do most of the time).
Code completion and at least some integration documentation (doxygen, generic comments before functions, system documentation) is an absolute necessity.
Oh and the IDE has to be crossplatform.
Is there something other then Eclipse?
Check out Code::Blocks as an option. Much lighter weight, updated constantly (via SVN nightlies), many of the same features as Eclipse. C::B has Doxyblocks, a plugin for Doxygen.
Wow. I can't believe I'm the first person pointing to Emacs. ;-)
I like qtcreator which you can use without writing against Qt.
It is modern, nicely looking, cross-platform (ie on Windows, OS X and Linux), maintained / extended at a good clip, integrated with other tools (debuggers, revision control, ...). Oh, and it is free.
Have you tried NetBeans? There is a plugin for C/C++ development.
Take a look into KDevelop4. It is quite good
Hm, I'm kinda surprised, that noone mentioned SlickEdit.
I think everyone, who has ever used Visual Studio and who has migrated to Linux programming, has had this problem - what to use for C++ dev. Now I use SlickEdit and I'm pretty satisfied.
Here's a short quote from the official web-site:
Welcome to SlickEdit 2010. SlickEdit 2010 is a cross-platform, multi-language code editor that gives programmers the ability to code in over 40 languages on 7 platforms. This latest version builds on the company’s 22 years of experience in enabling developers and development teams to create, navigate, modify, build, and debug code faster and more accurately
Here you could see what features are supported by language (see that C/C++ has all possible features)
Here You can see some of the cool features (and they are really cool) + examples + some demos (video).
Here is a list with the newest features.
Also, the debugger is pretty nice, it's kinda Visual Studio's debugger - easy to use and powerful (not as VS's of course, but it's still nice).
You can configure SlickEdit however you like. Yep, the options are too many, it seems too confusing, but this gives you the opportunity to change anything.
The problem is, that it is not free (in a legal way, at least.. ;) ), but you could download a trial to try it. I've tried some other products, and this one is the best to me.
I'd suggest you to try it, at least (:
I currently use Vim with the NERD Tree, tag list and a plugins. I'm pretty happy with the workflow using those plugins provide.
Try with codelite
It has a great codecompletion (better than eclipse)
It is small and fast and run in windows and linux
Other options are, qtcreator, kdevelop, codeblocks and ultimate++
I think Emacs could be a proper candidate to satisfy your requirements.
It can be something like a simple text editor or a fully integrated environment as you like.
You can add special modes created by Emacs community for any programming language and features like code completion or any kind of documentation. And there is a lot of alternatives of these modes. So you can choose.
You can customize almost everything about Emacs, like keyboard shortcuts that can be for any purpose you can imagine or indentations and colors, and take your customizations with one file to everywhere you like. (The .emacs file)
A lot of tools like gdb or grep or svn are or can be integrated in emacs so you can use them in a more efficent way than using from command line.
But it has downsides. Using emacs requires much more Linux knowledge than any other graphical environments. (I dont know how it feels using emacs in Windows ) It is hard to learn how to use Emacs and how to add features. So it is not suitable for anyone who doesn't like to get dirty.
Try Source Navigator NG. Helps see relationships among classes in class hierarchies, etc. Code browser, as in, you can go back to where you were. Give yourself 5 hours on this and see how it takes you. It's helped me.
I've tried many Linux IDEs and came to conclusion that there is nothing better that Eclipse. Simply I always lacked some features that Eclipse offers in them. Maybe kdevelop comes close however I found the Eclipse's SVN plugin much more usable. Besides I use VIM for smaller/test projects. Maybe some day we'll see VC under Linux and will be a serious alternative ;-)
MonoDevelop is a cross-platform IDE that supports code navigation. Although its primary focus is on C# development, the latest version also supports C/C++, including code completion.
KDevelop on Linux works quite well
(and I have added more here to make this reply longer than 20 characters)
Since you didn't mention crosss platform as being one of your criterion why don't you download Visual Studio Express and be done with?