Some of my Javascript lines of code are longer than the editor window view. I have recently upgraded to the Helios version of Eclipse and noticed that after editing one of these long lines (I am scrolled to the right), after a few seconds the editor window will automatically scroll back to the left to the beginning of the line. It breaks my concentration and it's so annoying!
Does anyone know how to stop this behavior? I've searched around and haven't been able to find anything other than others being annoyed by thi开发者_JS百科s same issue!
I am not willing to turn on word wrap and wrap my lines :).
I was having the same issue and found these open bugs for it on the Eclipse Bugs.
No sign there of having a fix for it, but you can prevent it from happening when you switch the Code Folding off and reload the file.
For java in eclipse :
Windows -> Preferences -> Java ->Editors ->Folding -> Enable Folding (uncheck)
For HTML, JSP, XML etc in eclispe : Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Structured Text Editors -> Enable Folding (uncheck)
If you're using Mac OSX, press OPTION + COMMAND + O to turn off "Toggle Mark Occurrences" - it looks like a highlighter in the toolbar.
I turned off Toggle Breadcrumb, and it fixed my problem.