to learn rails i have written a little webapp, to track which employee is using which computer and what software is installed on it. I started with
rails generate scaffold Client deviceName:string deviceComment:text
Everything works fine and i can add, edit or destroy Cients. Now i want to track the software which is installed on every machine. This time i only created a model with
rails generate model Software title:string licence:string
My question is now, how can i "add" Softwaretitle and the licencenumber?
i want to show the Label for the softwaretitle and the licencenumber on the same site where i can add n开发者_如何转开发ew clients. Precise on the clients/new site.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
Regards, Buk
You need setup relationship between models, you can read it there After that you can call software that related to the client