I'm not entirely sure if I'm trying to do something a little too complex for this but what I essentially want to do is turn this:
declare @callid int
set @callid = 57
declare @update nvarchar(max)
declare update_cursor cursor for
select UpdateIdentity from [Helpdesk_HR].[dbo].[hdEvents]
where CallID = @callid group by UpdateIdentity order by UpdateIdentity
open update_cursor
fetch next from update_cursor
into @update
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
select *
from [Helpdesk_HR].[dbo].[hdEvents]
where UpdateIdentity = @update
fetch next from update_cursor
into @update
close update_cursor
deallocate update_cursor
into the LINQ equivalent. Can anyone tell me if this is even possible with LINQ? if so how?
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you have converted the database using SQLmetal.exe this should do it. hdEvents should have the data you want.
var identities =
from hdevent in context.hdEvents
where hdevent.CallID == 57
group hdevent by hdevent.UpdateIdentity into distinctIdentities
select distinctIdentities.Key;
var hdEvents =
from indenity in identities
from hdevent in context.hdEvents
where hdevent.UpdateIdentity == indenity
select hdevent;
You'll need some O/R Mapping to your database using LINQ to SQL and then this can be done in LINQ.