Basically, I want a 'If image.contains(image2)...' sort of thing. For example if image 1:
is found to contain in image 2开发者_如何学编程:
Then it will return it's x/y co-ordinate, is this possible in VB.Net?
If you are looking for an exact match, then you just loop through the pixels and look for a match. The method is as simple as a string match, only it's two dimensional.
There is of course room for some optimisations, but basically:
For y = 0 To image.Height - image2.Height - 1
For x = to image.Width - image2.Width - 1
ix = 0
iy = 0
cnt = 0
While iy < image2.Height And ix < image2.Width And image.GetPixel(x + ix, y + iy) = image2.GetPixel(ix, iy) Then
cnt += 1
ix += 1
If ix = image2.Width Then
ix = 0
iy += 1
End If
End While
If cnt = image2.Width * image2.Height Then
Return New Point(x, y)
End If
Return New Point(-1, -1)