I have a script for remotely executing commands on other machines, however... when using windows cmd.ex开发者_JAVA百科e commands It does not write to the file on the remote server. Here is the code.
$server = 'serverName'
$Username = 'userName'
$Password = 'passWord'
$cmd = "cmd /c ipconfig"
$ph = "C:\mPcO.txt"
$rph = "\\$server\C$\mPcO.txt"
$cmde = "$cmd > $ph"
$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Password -Force
$mycred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "$Username",$pass
Invoke-WmiMethod win32_process -name create -ComputerName $server -ArgumentList $cmde Credential $mycred
cmd /c net use \\$server\C$ $password /USER:$username
Get-Content $rph
Remove-Item $rph
cmd /c net use \\$server\C$ /delete
As you can see we simply write
$cmde = "$cmd > $ph"
if I use a PowerShell command I use
$cmde = "$cmd | Out-File $ph"
and it works fine. Any advice Appreciated
Why are you doing it the hard way? You can use WMI to get the IP details of a remote computer.
Get-WMIObject -ComputerName "RemoteServer" Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled=$true" | Out-File $env:TEMP\ipdetails.txt
Now, once you have that file, you can move it using the commands you had in your script.