What is the best way to go about getting embedded HTML in the body of a link generated with the link_to method?
I basically want the following:
<a href="##">This is a <strong>link</strong>&l开发者_开发百科t;/a>
I have been trying to go about this as suggested in Rails and the <span> tag but with no luck. My code looks like the following:
def picture_filter
#...Some other code up here
text = "Show items with " + content_tag(:strong, 'pictures')
link_to text, {:pics => true}, :class => 'highlight'
<%=raw picture_filter %>
Try it this way
<%= link_to(raw("a <strong>strong</strong> link"),{:pics => true},{ :class => 'highlight'}) %>
= link_to "http://www.example.com" do
As of 2016 I prefer this method.
<%= link_to my_path do %>
This is a <strong>ape</strong>
<% end %>
you can use html_safe
<%= link_to ("<i class='someIcon'></i> Link").html_safe %>
Not sure if this is the best way.
But I have been very successful in staking alot of the view helpers inside the content_tag call.
It also might not hurt to call a .html_safe
link_to(content_tag(:span, "Show yada " + content_tag(:strong, "Pictures")), {:pics => true})