I have gone through the "Monkey Runner" for the following link http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/testing/testing_android.html It has so much Java code. I am not able to under stand the code to create test cases. Is it only for developers, or the testers to test the application thoroughly. Is there any other pat开发者_如何学编程tern for creating test cases through code? Can any one suggest me about the same.
Thank you.
Have a look at my MonkeyRunner code. Should be easier then Java. Change path to save file, and replace phone number. I had only 1 problem. Cant Hangup a call.
#! /usr/bin/env monkeyrunner
Created on Apr 1, 2011
@author: sj
import sys
# import the MonkeyRunners modules used by this program
from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice, MonkeyImage
def browse(d):
d.broadcastIntent("http://www.google.com/", "ACTION_MAIN")
def debug(device):
print" package:%s" % device.getProperty('am.current.package')
print" action:%s" % device.getProperty('am.current.action')
print" comp.class:%s" % device.getProperty('am.current.comp.class')
print" comp.package:%s" % device.getProperty('am.current.comp.package')
print device.getProperty('display.width'), device.getProperty('display.height')
def screenshot(d):
result = d.takeSnapshot()
result.writeToFile('/yourPath/device.png', 'png')
def call(d):
print "Start Activity"
# Call number.
print "Call"
d.touch(190, 800, 'DOWN_AND_UP');
# not working device.press('KEYCODE_CALL', 'DOWN_AND_UP')
print "Wait 10 sec"
# HangUp Call
#device.press('KEYCODE_ENDCALL', 'DOWN_AND_UP')
print "Hang Up"
#x1 = 215
#x2 = 230
#y = 700
#start = (x1,y)
#end = (x2, y)
#steps = 2
#pause = 0.2
#device.drag(start, end, pause, steps)
#device.touch(230, 700, "DOWN");
#device.touch(230, 700, "UP");
d.touch(230, 700, 'DOWN_AND_UP');
#device.touch(270, 650, 'DOWN_AND_UP');
def main():
print "Start"
# Connect to the current device returning the MonkeyDevice object
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
#MonkeyRunner.alert("Starting Activity", "monkeyrunner", "OK")
if not device:
print "Couldn't get connection"
print "Found device"
device.press('KEYCODE_ENDCALL', 'DOWN_AND_UP')
if __name__ == '__main__':
I have learned monkeyrunner via this small guide. http://antoine-merle.com/introduction-to-the-monkey-runner-tool-2/
You do not have to use java, but to start low on python. For the ide you can use pycharm, which will give you a better start when creating classes in python.
As of the code which @Boris_Ivanov showed, this is a good start, but I would delete the "MonkeyImage" - as you are not using it also pushing the test cases into different files would add to speed if required to use.
One thing to talk about:
Connect to the current device returning the MonkeyDevice object
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
#MonkeyRunner.alert("Starting Activity", "monkeyrunner", "OK")
I am using something like this and it does work all the way:
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(60)
if not device:
raise Exception('Can not connect to device')
Best luck.