Ok, so I've got a bunch of Word templates that on Document_New reads the registry for some values and inserts these into bookmarks in the document. The way I've done this until now is to first read from an INI-file which dictates what the bookmarks in the templates are called. This is done line by line, which again is put into an array. Then I go through that array and read the registry one by one.
Now, is it possible to read the entire INI section and put it into an array directly? Like this?:
Dim strIniKey as String
strIniKey = INI key
If bookmark exists strIniKey Then
pick up registry string from strIniKey
Insert into bookmark
End if
And just loop this through each INI value?
This is how I do it now:
Dim objShell
Dim strShell
Dim strDataArea
Dim Verdier() As String
Dim regPath
Dim regString
Dim Felter
Dim WScript
' Klargjør stringverdier fra INI-fil
regPath = ReadIni(File, "Registry", "Path")
regString = ReadIni(File, "Registry", "String")
regStrFornavn = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Fornavn")
regStrEtternavn = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Etternavn")
regStrInitialer = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Initialer")
regStrBrevnavn = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Brevnavn")
regStrStilling = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Stilling")
regStrStilling_EN = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Stilling_EN")
regStrAvdeling = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Avdeling")
regStrAvdeling_EN = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Avdeling_EN")
regStrEnhetoffnavn = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Enhetoffnavn")
regStrEnhetoffnavn_EN = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Enhetoffnavn_EN")
regStrVisitaddress1 = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Visitaddress1")
regStrVisitpostnrsted = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Visitpostnrsted")
regStrPostadresse1 = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Postadresse1")
regStrPostadresse2 = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Postadresse2")
regStrPostnrsted = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Postnrsted")
regStrLeveringsadresseNr = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "LeveringsadresseNr")
regStrLeveringsadresseSted = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "LeveringsadresseSted")
regStrTelesentralbord = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Telesentrbord")
regStrDirekteinnvalg = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Direkteinnvalg")
regStrMobil = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Mobil")
regStrTelefax = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Telefax")
regStrWebadresse = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Webadresse")
regStrSentrepostmottak = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Sentrepostmottak")
regStrEpost = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Epost")
regStrForetaksnr = ReadIni(File, strRegArea, "Foretaksnr")
'Klargjør array av alle verdier fra INI-fil
Felter = Array(regStrFornavn, regStrEtternavn, regStrBrevnavn, regStrInitialer, _
regStrStilling, regStrStilling_EN, regStrAvdeling, regStrAvdeling_EN, regStrEnhetoffnavn, _
regStrEnhetoffnavn_EN, regStrVisitaddress1, regStrVisitpostnrsted, regStrPostadresse1, _
regStrPostadresse2, regStrPostnrsted, regStrLeveringsadresseNr, regStrLeveringsadresseSted, _
regStrTelesentralbord, regStrDirekteinnvalg, regStrMobil, regStrTelefax, regStrWebadresse, _
regStrSentrepostmottak, regStrEpost, regStr开发者_高级运维Foretaksnr)
This basically creates an array full of the values from the INI file.
The code continues to take each part of the array and loop it through the bookmarks, searching to a match and then inserts the corresponding value from the registry.
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
For iTeller = 0 To UBound(Felter)
Dim sBookMarkName, sVerdi
Dim myRange As Range
On Error Resume Next
sBookMarkNametemp = "Bookmark" & Felter(iTeller)
sVerdi = ""
sVerdi = objShell.RegRead(regPath & "\" & Felter(iTeller))
sBookMarkName = ""
sBookMarkName = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(sBookMarkNametemp).Name
With ActiveDocument
If .Bookmarks.Exists(sBookMarkNametemp) Then
Set myRange = .Bookmarks(sBookMarkName).Range
myRange.Text = sVerdi
.Bookmarks.Add sBookMarkName, myRange
End If
End With
On Error GoTo 0
objShell = Nothing
WScript = Nothing
Each bookmark is called "bookmark" + value of each line from the INI. Like "bookmarkFIRSTNAME" etc.
You could just use a Dictionary (from the MS Scripting library).
Dim oDict as new scripting.dictionary
Dim arrVals, x
arrVals = Array("Path","String","Fornavn") 'etc etc
for x=lbound(arrVals) to ubound(arrVals)
oDict.Add arrVals(x), ReadIni(File, strRegArea, arrVals(x))
next x
Now you can reference your values as (eg.) : oDict("Path")
Still, all you've done there is move them from an ini file to a Dictionary: in both cases you just reference the values by name. Still, it's less code... I'm not sure of the purpose of first transferring them to an array ? Is your code part of a function which just returns the array ?