Is there a built in function of JavaScript to convert a string into a particular locale (Euro in my case)?
E.g开发者_Python百科. 50.00
should get converted to 50,00 €
I found a way to do this at this page.
You can you toLocaleString
without using toFixed
before it. toFixed
returns a string, toLocaleString
should get a number. But you can pass an options object with toLocaleString
, the option minimumFractionDigits
could help you with the functionality toFixed
50.toLocaleString('de-DE', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'EUR',
minimumFractionDigits: 2
Checkout all the other options you can pass with this function.
is a unit-less value. The best you can do is convert 50.00
to 50,00
and then append the €
yourself. Therefore, just use Number.toLocaleString()
var i = 50.00;
alert(i.toLocaleString() + ' €'); // alerts '50.00 €' or '50,00 €'
Demo →
Lots of relevant questions:
- How can I format numbers as money in JavaScript? (the big one; ~70k views)
- Convert to currency format
- Format currency using javascript
- how do i print currency format in javascript
- JavaScript: Format number/currency w/regards to culture like .NET's String.Format()? (possibly useful, if you're using ASP.NET)
- format number to price
There are locale related features described within the ECMAScript Internationalization API.
To get the float 50.0
converted to the string 50,00 €
(using the 'de-DE' locale) you need to write this:
new Intl.NumberFormat("de-DE", {style: "currency", currency: "EUR"}).format(50.0)
This API is available in all current major browsers.
For more info about the number formatting features of the Internationalization API you should read the article at MDN.
I am working on an international site which deals with multiple currencies.
I didn't want to deal with setting the Locale every time I wanted to display a currency, so instead I made a prototype which formats the currency to the appropriate locale. It is transparent in its conversions so you can customize it to your needs as well.
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function(moneySymbol, decimalCharacter, thousandsCharacter, decimalPlaces, symbolLocation)
var symbolLocation = (symbolLocation == undefined || symbolLocation < 1 || symbolLocation == "begin")?"begin":"end";
var decimalPlaces = isNaN(decimalPlaces = Math.abs(decimalPlaces)) ? 2 : decimalPlaces;
var thisNumber = parseFloat(this, decimalPlaces);
var decimalCharacter = decimalCharacter == undefined ? "." : decimalCharacter;
var thousandsCharacter = thousandsCharacter == undefined ? "," : thousandsCharacter;
//var pm = thisNumber < 0 ? "-" : "";
var pm = "";
var pmB = thisNumber < 0 ? "(" : "";
var pmE = thisNumber < 0 ? ")" : "";
var i = parseInt(thisNumber = Math.abs(+thisNumber || 0)) + "";
var j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
var retString = pmB;
retString += ((symbolLocation == "begin")?((moneySymbol)?moneySymbol+"":""):"");
retString += pm;
retString += (j ? i.substr(0, j) + thousandsCharacter : "")
retString += i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + thousandsCharacter);
//alert((decimalPlaces ? decimalCharacter + (Math.ceil(Math.abs(thisNumber - i)*Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces))/Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces)).toFixed(decimalPlaces).slice(decimalPlaces) : "") + '\n' + Math.abs(thisNumber - i).toFixed(6));
retString += (decimalPlaces ? decimalCharacter + (Math.ceil(Math.abs(thisNumber - i).toFixed(6)*Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces))/Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces)).toFixed(decimalPlaces).slice(decimalPlaces) : "");
retString += ((symbolLocation == "end")?((moneySymbol)?moneySymbol+"":""):"");
retString += pmE;
return retString;
Number.prototype.formatMoneyInternational = function(languageCode, inputCode)
var languageCode = languageCode == undefined ? 'en_us' : languageCode;
var inputCode = inputCode == undefined ? languageCode : inputCode;
var currencies = {
'float': {'symbol':null, 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': ''}, //Float
//Arabic - Saudi Arabia ?(1025): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
//Arabic - Iraq ?(2049): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
//Arabic - Egypt ?(3073): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
//Arabic - Algeria ?(5121): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
'bg': {'symbol':' BGN', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //Bulgarian
'ca': {'symbol':' €', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Catalan
//Chinese - Traditional (1028): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
//Chinese - Simplified (2052): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
'cs': {'symbol':' Kc', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //Czech
'da': {'symbol':'kr ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Danish
'de': {'symbol':' €', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //German - Germany
'de_au': {'symbol':' €', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //German - Austrian
'de_lu': {'symbol':' €', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //German - Luxembourg
'el': {'symbol':' €', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Greek
'en_us': {'symbol':'$', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': ','}, //English - United States
'en_gb': {'symbol':'£ ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': ','}, //English - United Kingdom
'en_au': {'symbol':'$ ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': ','}, //English - Australia
'en_ca': {'symbol':'$', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': ','}, //English - Canadian
'en_ie': {'symbol':'€ ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': ','}, //English - Irish
'es_mx': {'symbol':'$ ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': ','}, //Spanish - Mexico
'es': {'symbol':' €', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Spanish - International
'fi': {'symbol':' €', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //Finnish
'fr': {'symbol':' €', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //French - France
'fr_ca': {'symbol':' $', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //French - Canadian
'fr_ch': {'symbol':'SFr. ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': '\''}, //French - Swiss
//Hebrew ?(1037): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
'hu': {'symbol':' Ft', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //Hungarian
'it': {'symbol':'€ ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Italian - Italy
'it_ch': {'symbol':'₣ ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': '\''}, //Italian - Swiss
'ja': {'symbol':'¥ ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': '\''}, //Japanese
//Korean (1042): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
'nl': {'symbol':'€ ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Dutch - Netherlands
'no': {'symbol':'kr ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //Norwegian
'pl': {'symbol':' zl', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //Polish
'pt_br': {'symbol':'R$ ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Portuguese - Brazil
'pt': {'symbol':' €', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Portuguese - Standard
'ro': {'symbol':' lei', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Romanian
'ru': {'symbol':' p.', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //Russian
'hr': {'symbol':' kn', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Croatian
'sr': {'symbol':' Din.', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Serbian - Latin
//'sr': {'symbol':' ???. ', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Serbian - Cyrillic
'sv': {'symbol':' kr', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Swedish
//Thai (1054): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
'tr': {'symbol':' TL', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Turkish
'id': {'symbol':' Rp.', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':' ', 'comma': '.'}, //Indonesian
'uk': {'symbol':' rpH.', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //Ukranian
'be': {'symbol':' p.', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //Belausian
'sl': {'symbol':' SIT', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Slovenian
'et': {'symbol':' kr', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': ' '}, //Estonian
'lv': {'symbol':'Ls ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':',', 'comma': ' '}, //Latvian
'lt': {'symbol':' Lt', 'symbolPosition': 'end', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'}, //Lithuanian
//Farsi ?(1065): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
//Vietnamese (1066): Sorry, the server does not support this locale
'af': {'symbol':'R ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':'.', 'comma': ','}, //Afrikaans
'fo': {'symbol':'kr ', 'symbolPosition': 'begin', 'decimal':',', 'comma': '.'} //Faeroese
var currencyString = this+"";
//alert(currencyString.replace(currencies[inputCode].comma, '').replace(currencies[inputCode].decimal, '.').replace(/[^\d\.\,\-]/g, ''));
var currencyNumber = parseFloat(currencyString.replace(currencies[inputCode].comma, '').replace(currencies[inputCode].decimal, '.').replace(/[^\d\.\,\-]/g, ''));
return currencyNumber.formatMoney(currencies[languageCode].symbol, currencies[languageCode].decimal, currencies[languageCode].comma, 2, currencies[languageCode].symbolPosition);
var currencyNumber = parseFloat(currencyString.replace(currencies['en_us'].decimal, '.').replace(currencies['en_us'].comma, '').replace(/[^\d\.\,\-]/g, ''));
alert('Error: ' + languageCode + ' country code unknown.');
return currencyNumber.formatMoney(currencies['en_us'].symbol, currencies['en_us'].decimal, currencies['en_us'].comma, 2, currencies['en_us'].symbolPosition);
String.prototype.formatMoneyInternational = Number.prototype.formatMoneyInternational;
The accepted answer from Matt Ball is wrong - dunno why nobody haven't noticed. There is no such function as String.toLocaleString()
[ref]! Therefore when Number.toFixed()
returns String, the consequent toLocaleString()
does nothing. So you won't get localized number, just the product of toFixed()
WRONG (don't do it like this):
var i = 1234.123;
alert(i.toFixed(2).toLocaleString() + ' €'); // ALWAYS alerts '1234.12 €' (no locale formatting)
Suggestion how to do it right:
You may use jQuery plugin like NumberFormatter.
Built-in, yes and no. There is Number.toLocaleString()
but it is dependent on the system's locale.
However, there are some libraries which have modules for this. MooTools's Locale.Number for example allows you to convert a number into different locales (adding your own locale is trivial).
var inEuros = (50).formatCurrency(); // € 50,00
jsFiddle Demo
If you want the € sign to be printed after, you can simply create your own locale:
Locale.define('EU-suffix', 'Number', {
currency: {
suffix: ' €'
}).inherit('EU', 'Number');
Some of the other answers are okay but I would recommend a different library, NumeralJS over Number.toLocaleString because the latter is not supported widely in all browsers (it breaks on even new versions of safari). NumeralJS is really powerful and supports anything you would want to do with converting numbers to strings.
First, set the language (I chose french) and then format it:
numeral(50.00).format('0.00 $');
"50,00 €"
The website explains it quite well and has tons of examples.
For javascript use the accounting library Then you can do:
// Default usage:
accounting.formatMoney(12345678); // $12,345,678.00
// European formatting (custom symbol and separators), can also use options object as second parameter:
accounting.formatMoney(4999.99, "€", 2, ".", ","); // €4.999,99
// Negative values can be formatted nicely:
accounting.formatMoney(-500000, "£ ", 0); // £ -500,000
// Simple `format` string allows control of symbol position (%v = value, %s = symbol):
accounting.formatMoney(5318008, { symbol: "GBP", format: "%v %s" }); // 5,318,008.00 GBP