Can somebody check my code and tell me where I'm doing wrong. I'm very poor in javascript and using this code from long time, after firefox update from 3.5 to 4 beta, I'm getting undefined error.
function Convert_ONE2TWO()
var arrTWO = new Array( "a", "e", "i");
var arrONE = new Array( "A", "E", "I");
str=document.frmConvert.txtONE.value; //input from ONE
for (i=0;i<3;i++) //Loop for all letters
strTemp=new RegExp(arrONE[i], "ig");
开发者_开发问答str=str.replace(strTemp,arrTWO[i]); //Replacing
document.frmConvert.txtTWO.value=str.toString(); //output to TWO
<form name="frmConvert" action="" method="get">
<textarea rows="5" cols="90" name="txtONE"></textarea>
<input name="btnConvertg" value="Create TWO" onclick="Convert_ONE2TWO();" type="Button">
<textarea rows="5" cols="90" name="txtTWO"></textarea>
Your loop is wrong. You have three array elements, but perform four loop iterations.
Use for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
and remember that array indices start at 0
, not 1