In my form I would like users to type a date in DD/MM/YYYY format. I have validation that checks that.
The problem is that in the database it is stored in YYYY-MM-DD format, so if try just to update the is_money_paid
job = Job.find(params[:id])
job.update_attributes(:is_money_paid => ...)
the validation fails saying that job's date is in wrong format (YYYY-MM-DD rather than DD/MM/YYYY).
What would be an appropriate way to solve this ?
Here is the relevant code:
class Job < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :job_date_validator
DATE_REGEX = /\A\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}\z/
def job_date_validator
if job开发者_如何学运维_date_before_type_cast.blank?
errors.add(:job_date, "^Date must be selected")
elsif job_date_before_type_cast !~ DATE_REGEX
errors.add(:job_date, "^Date must be in DD/MM/YYYY format")
is a boolean field.
I would change the validator to say:
validate_presence_of :job_date, :message => "must be selected"
validate :job_date_validator, :if => :job_date_changed?
Or something along those lines.
You can take out the .blank? check too.
Format it in before_validation
I would suggest you to see gem validates_timeliness which is rails 3 compatible.