The Facebook Ads API has a call for the posting of ads - and it requires attaching images to the post, and setting the filename in a creative_spec and then attaching the image with that name in the multipart.
The FacebookMedia object seems right for this, but then I see in the code that only 1 media object can be attached per post. Is there a reason for this?
Here's some (crappy, first-pass) code:
dynamic adgroup = new ExpandoObject();
adgroup.method = "ads.createAdGroups";
adgroup.account_id = AdAccount.FbAdAccountId;
adgroup.adgroup_specs = new List<dynamic>();
dynamic adgroup_specs = new ExpandoObject();
adgroup_specs.campaign_id = campaignid; = ad.campaign_name;
adgroup_specs.status = 1;
adgroup_specs.bid_type = 1;
adgroup_specs.max_bid = ad.max_bid;
adgroup_specs.targeting = (dynamic)(new ExpandoObject());
adgroup_specs.targeting.countries = new List<string>();
adgroup_specs.creative = (dynamic)(new ExpandoObject());
adgroup_specs.creative.title = ad.AdTitleText;
adgroup_specs.creative.body = ad.AdC开发者_JAVA技巧opyText;
adgroup_specs.creative.link_url = ad.url; // TODO: ASk Bill
adgroup_specs.creative.file_name = ad.ImageId + "_" + ad.ImageName;
var image = dc.Images.Where(r => r.ImageId == ad.ImageId).FirstOrDefault();
Then I need to attach all the images, not sure how to do this. They have to be in the post with their name, so I figure I can attach them anywhere:
var images = (from image in dc.Images
where image_ids.Contains(image.ImageId)
select image).Distinct();
var p = adgroups as IDictionary<String, object>;
foreach (var i in images)
FacebookMediaObject fmo = new FacebookMediaObject();
fmo.FileName = i.ImageId + "_" + i.Name;
fmo.ContentType = "image/png";
p.Add(i.ImageId + "_" + i.Name, fmo);
dynamic dresult = FbApp.Post(adgroup);
EDIT: So this wasn't even working with one image, I have a list of creatives and when posted without the image, it posts correct data, when posted with an image, it looks like this (look at adgroup_specs):
Host: Content-Length: 5945 Expect: 100-continue
--8cdad9aeb95b79c Content-Disposition: form-data; name="method"
ads.createAdGroups --8cdad9aeb95b79c Content-Disposition: form-data; name="account_id"
106925396 --8cdad9aeb95b79c Content-Disposition: form-data; name="adgroup_specs"
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Object] --8cdad9aeb95b79c Content-Disposition: form-data; name="api_key"
--8cdad9aeb95b79c Content-Disposition: form-data; name="format"
json-strings --8cdad9aeb95b79c Content-Disposition: form-data; filename="667_Screen shot 2011-02-24 at 3.46.29 PM.png" Content-Type: image/png
It's converting the List<> incorrectly. This works in the normal post without multipart. Is this a bug?
This looks like it is a bug. Please file it in the issue tracker on codeplex.
In general this does work with the Facebook Ads API. It can be a little confusing though because the JSON for each adgroup has to reference the name of the image that it is using for its creative like this:
"campaign_id": 12345,
"bid_type": 1,
"max_bid": 150,
"name": "My New Ad",
"adgroup_status": 2,
"creative": {
"title": "My New Ad",
"body": "Body text for my new ad",
"link_url": "",
"image_file": "sample.gif"
"targeting": {
"country": ["US"],
"age_min": 25,
"age_max": 66,
"genders": [1],
The spot where it says "sample.gif" tells Facebook too look into this POST for a file attachment with filename = "sample.gif". To include multiple images, attach them all with different names, and specify them in each of the ad groups.
I hope this is helpful for people trying to create multiple ad groups at once using different images.