i'm using the htmlbox jquery plugin, if i submit the form when just having entered some text but not using any of the toolbar buttons, the old data is being submitted instead of the new edited text. When i hit a toolbarbutton first (to make some text bold for example) the new text IS being submitted.
I see the plugin has get_html and get_text functions: am i supposed to first query the wysiwygeditor before submitting or is there something else i'm missing?
The example given on the plugin-website uses a custom submitmethod, I prefer not having a controllermethod开发者_如何学运维 serverside (asp mvc) just for posting one textfield, i prefer posting the complete form using a regular <input type=submit ..>
edit: this works as workaround but just feels wrong
$('#form').submit(function() { (hb.val(hb.get_html())); });
To use HtmlBox's built-in functions, do this: Assign the return of htmlbox() to a variable and then call HtmlBox's methods using that variable (e.g. hb_full.get_html(); or any other method). See code example below.
<script type="text/javascript">
var hb_full;
hb_full = $("#htmlbox_full").css("height", "300").css("width", "100%").htmlbox({
toolbars: [
// Cut, Copy, Paste
"separator", "cut", "copy", "paste",
// Undo, Redo
"separator", "undo", "redo",
// Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Sup, Sub
"separator", "bold", "italic", "underline", "strike", "sup", "sub",
// Left, Right, Center, Justify
"separator", "justify", "left", "center", "right",
// Ordered List, Unordered List, Indent, Outdent
"separator", "ol", "ul", "indent", "outdent",
// Hyperlink, Remove Hyperlink, Image
"separator", "link", "unlink", "image"
// Show code
"separator", "code",
// Formats, Font size, Font family, Font color, Font, Background
"separator", "formats", "fontsize", "fontfamily",
"separator", "fontcolor", "highlight",
//Strip tags
"separator", "removeformat", "striptags", "hr", "paragraph",
// Styles, Source code syntax buttons
"separator", "quote", "styles", "syntax"
about: true, // "false" to hide About button
idir: "./img/HtmlBoxImg/",
icons: "default", //all options: "default", "silk"
skin: "blue" //all options: "silver", "blue", "green", "red"
function getHtmlFromEditor()
var HtmlFromEditor = hb_full.get_html();
<textarea id="htmlbox_full"></textarea>
<button onclick="getHtmlFromEditor();">Display HTML</button>