I found this on StackOverflow: Is there a way to programmatically determine if a font file has a specific Unicode Glyph?
However, I need to also check UTF-32 characters. What I am trying to do is parse the Unihan data over at unicode.org and ignore all characters that are not supported by "Arial Unicode MS". I started work on the CheckIfCharInFont() method by modifying the arg to take a string (for utf-32) and checking if it is a surrogare pair. I then get the Int32 by doing a char.ConvertToUtf32(surrogate1, surrogate2), but the problem is the current CheckIfCharInFont() method only supports Uint16... you can see where I placed a "Debugger.Break" that this is a bit of a problem. Any experts out there that can help me figure this thing out?
public static bool CheckIfCharInFont(string character, Font font)
UInt16 value = 0;
int temp = 0;
if (character.Length > 1) //UTF-32
temp = char.ConvertToUtf32(character[0], character[1]);
temp = (int)character[0];
if (temp > UInt16.MaxValue)
return false;
value = (UInt16)temp;
开发者_运维技巧 //UInt16 value = Convert.ToUInt16(character);
List<FontRange> ranges = GetUnicodeRangesForFont(font);
bool isCharacterPresent = false;
foreach (FontRange range in ranges)
if (value >= range.Low && value <= range.High)
isCharacterPresent = true;
return isCharacterPresent;
You would have to do your own thing. Maybe starting from the specs (http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/cmap.htm)
It is what this tool does: http://mihai-nita.net/2007/09/08/charmapex-some-kind-of-character-map/