how to upgrade a rails 2 plugin to rails 3?
This handbook will tell you exactly what to do:
Upgrading a legacy rails 2 -3 is a tedious task ... many errors will arouse especially if the application is big and old. I would also suggest you watch railscast episodes 225,226 and 226.
Good luck :)
I recommend you this tutorial:
- There are a part 3 too
There is a plugin available for upgrading rails version. Try this:
Normally it's not that hard to upgrade Rails 2 app to Rails 2. Here is a sample guide:
The guidelines that applies to apps should apply to plugins as well
If you want to upgrade a 2.x app to 3, there is an episode in Railscast Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 1 which explains about rails_upgrade plugin that help to determine what needs upgrading.
To upgrade plugins to Rails 3.0
i think you can't upgrade the rails 2 plugin to rails 3 plugin. You can always change the structure of the code suitable to rails 3 coding but that doesn't mean upgrade. You might need to check out the repository if you could find the version suitable to rails 3 for that plugin
You can find a peepcode for that :
Or the railscasts is very nice too