I have certain sqlite data having the certain code.
String sql = "create table " + TABEL
+"( " + BaseColumns._ID+" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + STARTTIME
+ " text," + ENDTIME + " text," + DURATION + " text,"
+ PHONEOPTION + " text," + MODE + " text);";
Log.i("DATABASE ", "db created ");
and i want to fetch the rows where duration column having not null data. i have certain code but it fetch the all data in it.
public Cursor getData() {
SQLiteDatabase sqlitedb = contactsdbHelper.getReadableDatabase();
Cursor cursor = sqlitedb.query(ContactsDatabaseHelper.TABEL, null,null,null, null,null, BaseColumns._ID + " DESC");
return cursor;
Try something like:
Cursor cursor = sqlitedb.rawQuery(
"SELECT * FROM " + ContactsDatabaseHelper.TABEL + " WHERE " +
ContactsDatabaseHelper.DURATION + " NOT NULL", null);