Hi Iam using the OpenSSL .NET wrapper in my c# project. i want to generate an X509 certification but i don't really know the procedure. what should it contain (what parameters)...etc this is my code, I did it after looking some tests:
OpenSSL.X509.X509Certificate x509 = new OpenSSL.X509.X509Certificate();
OpenSSL.Crypto.RSA rsa = new OpenSSL.Crypto.RSA();
rsa.GenerateKeys(1024, 0x10001, null, null);
OpenSSL.Crypto.CryptoKey key = new OpenSSL.Crypto.CryptoKey(rsa);
OpenSSL.Crypto.MessageDigestContext digest = new OpenSSL.Crypto.MessageDigestContext(
开发者_运维知识库 OpenSSL.Crypto.MessageDigest.SHA1);
I suppose that the certificate should take RSA private key and the digest as parameters and i have to configure it (date...and others parameters). Can any one help me about that ? to finish my code ? thank you.
I use the following routine:
// Initialize the following with your information
var serial = 1234;
var issuer = new X509Name("issuer");
var subject = new X509Name("subject");
// Creates the key pair
var rsa = new RSA();
rsa.GenerateKeys(1024, 0x10001, null, null);
// Creates the certificate
var key = new CryptoKey(rsa);
var cert = new X509Certificate(serial, subject, issuer, key, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddYears(20));
// Dumps the certificate into a .cer file
var bio = BIO.File("C:/temp/cert.cer", "w");