Trying to compile opencv on开发者_高级运维 my Mac from source.
I have following CMakeCache.txt:
I make ccmake ..
, press c
, then g
Than I make sudo make -j8
Than I make sudo make install
And than I make import cv
in python and get "Segmentation faul" with this stacktrace:
I don't know what could be useful to help me, pls. ask, I'll get it.
I had a same situation and resolved the following steps.
In ccmake(ccmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .
), toggle to the advanced mode pressing t
value to /opt/local/lib/libpython2.6.dylib
to /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/include/python2.6
Note that the specific path depends, of course, what version of Python you are using (2.6 or 2.7 etc.). Also, if you are using the system Python, instead of MacPorts (which is in /opt), then you probably want PYTHON_LIBRARY to be /usr/lib/libpython2.6.dylib
From your logs, you seem to use MacPorts and python 2.6.
will compile fine on this framework:
sudo port install opencv +python26
be sure to have py26-numpy
installed to have support for basic functions such as cv.fromarray
sudo port install py26-numpy
means that your problem has been solved by the MacPorts community. is it a problem of the latest source? the version you compile is the one (opencv 2.2.0) used by macports.
Your question is about compiling from source. Looking at the portfile linked to that you'll be able to locate your problem. to find the Portfile, do:
port file opencv
or directly
sudo port edit opencv
this will list all configuration flags necessary for a working openCV.
sudo port select --set python python27
fixed the segfault for me.
The problem is simple, macports did rewrote in ~/usr/lib
if you installed OPENCV using
sudo port install opencv +python26
sudo port select --set python python26
if you installed OPENCV using
sudo port install opencv +python27
sudo port select --set python python27
The "bug" is that python2.7 interpreter is trying to open python2.6 pre-compiled binary that gives seg fault 11 (or vice versa)
The nevereinding problem with opencv is that it does not have source code, just binaries that are stongly dependent on which compiler there were built on (which platform etc.)