Trying to trigger atlassian bamboo 2.7 to do a build after we do commits to our git server.
Apparently I have to hit a certain api url with wget:
wget --no-check-certificate
However this does not work. When i run this command, nothing is returned in the http reply, and i've done the following as i shoul开发者_Go百科d have:
- Configure the build strategy to triggered build mode
- Set my IP address is the trigger IP address
- Committed and pushed some new code
But it does nothing, any ideas?
It's hard to say anything without looking into server logs. My tip is: go to and describe the problem there attaching server logs.
And yes I work for Atlassian :)
Take a look at the documentation regarding the post commit triggers:
You could try to use the REST Service to see if this works for you: /api/rest/updateAndBuild.action?buildKey=BAM-TRUNK
If this shouldn't resolve your issue, please create a support request as Krystian suggested.
Cheers, Jens
The simple fix would be to use Git bamboo web hook service.
If you want commits to automatically trigger builds:
Set up Github
Go to ur github repository->settings -> Webhooks & Services
Select "Bamboo" from the "Add service" dropdown
Base url: https://(compnayname)
Build key: your Bamboo build plan key (goto plan summary the last part of URL is the build key)
Username: bamboo useranme (with build permissions)
Password: as specified.
Set up Bamboo
Add 'builder' to the users who can build the plan (Plan Configuration -> Permissions)
Add a trigger (Plan Configuration -> Triggers)
Description: trigger description
Repositories: Select the repo that needs to be build automatically
Trigger IP addresses: IP addresses of the repository server (you might try out leaving it blank as bamboo searches the default IP address)