
Improving an 'each' statement

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-15 23:52 出处:网络
I am using Ruby on Rails 3 and I would like to improve the following code to a better way to do the same thing.

I am using Ruby on Rails 3 and I would like to improve the following code to a better way to do the same thing.

query = {}
params.each { |k,v| query[k.si开发者_StackOverflowngularize] = v }

How can I do that?

If you were actually finding that

params.each { |k,v| query[k.singularize] = v }

was taking too long, singularize would be taking up most of your time.

If most of the words were the same, I'd consider memoization.

Actually, if you had ten thousand parameters, I'd consider a code review!

query = Hash[params.map{|k, v| [k.singularize, v]}]

As nzifnab wrote, my other code seems to be slow. The following one may be slightly faster than the original posted.

query = params.each_with_object({}){|(k, v), h| h[k.singularize] = v}

Well I had an idea (same idea as sawa) and decided I wanted to know if it was an improvement. Here's the benchmark results:

params = {'puppies' => 'cute',
  'dinosaurs' => 'angry',
  'kittens' => 'kill them all',
  'wat' => 4}

Benchmark.bm do |x|
  x.report(".each"){10000.times{query = {}; params.each{ |k,v| query[k.singularize] = v }}}
  x.report("Hash"){10000.times{query = Hash[params.map{|k, v| [k.singularize, v]}]}}

And the result:

      user       system     total       real
.each 3.850000   0.390000   4.240000 (  4.260567)
Hash  3.910000   0.400000   4.310000 (  4.402304)

So very little difference, although Hash is the opposite of improvement, sadly - if performance was a concern for you.

I still tend to use the Hash[] format just because I like how .map works... but .map has to loop through every single item too so it's no different.


I went with the comment suggestion to do one really large hash instead of a tiny hash 10,000 times. Here's the results:

myhash = {}
20000.times do |i|
  myhash[i.to_s * 2 + 's'] = i

Benchmark.bm do |x|
  x.report(".each"){query = {}; myhash.each{|k,v| query[k.singularize] = v}}
  x.report("Hash"){query = Hash[myhash.map{|k,v| [k.singularize, v]}]}


      user       system     total       real
.each 1.980000   0.110000   2.090000 (  2.100811)
Hash  2.040000   0.140000   2.180000 (  2.176588)

Edit 2: Credit goes to sawa for this third method:

Benchmark.bm do |x|
  x.report(".each"){query = {}; myhash.each{|k,v| query[k.singularize] = v}}
  x.report("Hash"){query = Hash[myhash.map{|k,v| [k.singularize, v]}]}
  x.report("with_object"){query = myhash.each_with_object({}){|(k, v), h| h[k.singularize] = v}}

      user     system      total        real
.each  2.050000   0.110000   2.160000 (  2.174315)
Hash  2.070000   0.110000   2.180000 (  2.187600)
with_object  2.100000   0.110000   2.210000 (  2.207763)

If you (or someone) can find a way to modify each value in-place I suspect this would be the fastest way to do it:

params.each{|arr| arr[0].singularize!}

But you can't do that because

  1. singularize! is not defined, and
  2. when you try to do this:
params.each{|arr| arr[0].gsub!('s', '')}

You get an error:

TypeError: can't modify frozen string

I would just stick with the original version :p

I tried the following in Ruby YARV 1.9.1, without ActiveSupport (hence reverse rather than singularize)

require "benchmark"

myhash = {}
2000000.times do |i|
  myhash[i.to_s * 2 + 's'] = i

Benchmark.bm do |x|
  x.report(".each"){query = {}; myhash.each{|k,v| query[k.reverse] = v}}
  x.report("Hash"){query = Hash[myhash.map{|k,v| [k.reverse, v]}]}
  puts RUBY_ENGINE if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE)

gave me

      user       system     total       real
.each 6.350000   0.070000   6.420000 (  6.415588)
Hash  5.710000   0.100000   5.810000 (  5.795611)

So in my case, Hash was faster.

Considering the difference in speed between my benchmark and nzifnab's, I'd want to check the bulk of time wasn't spend on singularize.


Under 1.8.7:

      user        system    total       real
.each 11.640000   0.380000  12.020000 ( 12.019372)
Hash  15.010000   0.540000  15.550000 ( 15.552186)

So it's slower using Hash under 1.8?



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