string myHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName();
string myIP =
TextReader read = new StreamReader(//Text file with network address);
var ip = read.ReadLine();
if (ip == //Need help with this part)
MessageBox.Show("You are on the network");
MessageBox.Show("You are not on the network");
I can get my computers address but I need to compare it to a network address and if it falls under that network address to show that it is.
If your program crashes when your IP is invalid, you can change it over to a try catch that checks for that exception (run it and crash it to find the exception). This is how I validated the IP in my multiplayer with Lidgren.
Though this is probably not the best way, it works.
One simple way to see if an ip is in a range is to convert the ip and the start and end of the range to longs (a function can be written for the conversion to a long from an IP address). Then see if the ip is between the two numbers.
For example:
IP to check: -- Converted to long --> 172017001025
Start - -- Converted to long --> 172000000000
End - -- Converted to long --> 172255255255
Now just check if the ip is between the start and end values.
I recommend the IPNetwork utility that can be found on codeplex. It is pretty flexible and powerful. It will allow you to do a lot of things, and determining the network for a given ip address is one of them.
The code should look like :
var ipnetwork = IPNetwork.Parse(ip);
if (ipnetwork.Contains(myIp)) {
// do some work...