I would like to create a function that returns a vector of numbers a precision reflected by having only n significant figures, but without trailing zeros, and not in scientific notation
e.g, I would like
somenumbers <- c(0.000001234567, 1234567.89)
myformat(x = somenumbers, n = 3)
to return
[1]开发者_如何学运维 0.00000123 1230000
I have been playing with format
, formatC
, and sprintf
, but they don't seem to want to work on each number independently, and they return the numbers as character strings (in quotes).
This is the closest that i have gotten example:
> format(signif(somenumbers,4), scientific=FALSE)
[1] " 0.000001235" "1235000.000000000"
You can use the signif function to round to a given number of significant digits. If you don't want extra trailing 0's then don't "print" the results but do something else with them.
> somenumbers <- c(0.000001234567, 1234567.89)
> options(scipen=5)
> cat(signif(somenumbers,3),'\n')
0.00000123 1230000
seems to do it:
sprintf(c("%1.8f", "%1.0f"), signif(somenumbers, 3))
[1] "0.00000123" "1230000"
how about
myformat <- function(x, n) {
noquote(sapply(a,function(x) format(signif(x,2), scientific=FALSE)))