I've some errors with linq joins
my query is like that :
from inv in SellServiceInvoice.All()
join Ent in Entity.All() on new { CID = inv.EntityID, CType = inv.EntityTypeID }
equals new { CID =(long) Ent.EntityID, CType =(long) Ent.EntityTypeID}
select new {...}
prob 1开发者_JAVA百科 : why must I add casting '(long)' although the types is already long!
prob 2 : it gives me the following exception:
The construtor 'Void .ctor(Int64, Int64)' is not supported
Have you tried:
from inv in SellServiceInvoice.All()
from Ent in Entity.All()
where inv.EntityID = CID =(long) Ent.EntityID &&
inv.EntityTypeID == (long)Ent.EntityTypeID
select new {...}