
Intersection points of two circles in MATLAB

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-15 10:19 出处:网络
I need to find out the intersecting points of two circles. I have the center points and the radius of each cir开发者_如何转开发cle. I need to do it in MATLAB. Any help will be appreciated.Assume a tri

I need to find out the intersecting points of two circles. I have the center points and the radius of each cir开发者_如何转开发cle. I need to do it in MATLAB. Any help will be appreciated.

Assume a triangle ABC, where A and B are the centers of the circle, and C is one or the other intersection point. a, b, and c are the sides opposite the corresponding corners. alpha, beta, and gamma are the angles associated with A, B, and C, respectively.

Then, b^2+c^2 - 2*bccos(alpha) = a^2. Knowing alpha (or its cosine), you can find the location of C.

A = [0 0]; %# center of the first circle
B = [1 0]; %# center of the second circle
a = 0.7; %# radius of the SECOND circle
b = 0.9; %# radius of the FIRST circle
c = norm(A-B); %# distance between circles

cosAlpha = (b^2+c^2-a^2)/(2*b*c);

u_AB = (B - A)/c; %# unit vector from first to second center
pu_AB = [u_AB(2), -u_AB(1)]; %# perpendicular vector to unit vector

%# use the cosine of alpha to calculate the length of the
%# vector along and perpendicular to AB that leads to the
%# intersection point
intersect_1 = A + u_AB * (b*cosAlpha) + pu_AB * (b*sqrt(1-cosAlpha^2));
intersect_2 = A + u_AB * (b*cosAlpha) - pu_AB * (b*sqrt(1-cosAlpha^2));

intersect_1 =
     0.66     -0.61188
intersect_2 =
     0.66      0.61188

Intersection points of two circles in MATLAB

Find the equations of the circles. Make sure to account for the negative of the square root or else you will just have a semi circle.

Set the equations of the two circles equal to eachother.

Here is a simple code using two File Exchange submissions: first - to draw circles, second - to find intersections (links below).

N=30; % circle resolution as the number of points
hold on
% draw 1st circle at (0,0) radius 5 and get X and Y data
H1=circle([0 0],5,N);

% draw 2nd circle at (2,5) radius 3 and get X and Y data
H2=circle([2 5],3,N);

% find intersection points
% and plot them as red o's
hold off
axis equal
  2. Fast and Robust Curve Intersections

Intersection points of two circles in MATLAB

Function CIRCCIRC does this for you.

[xout,yout] = circcirc(x1,y1,r1,x2,y2,r2)

This will give you the two intersection points.


I am pasting Roger Stafford's answer here. (See link) This also prints if there is no intersection between circles. I think you can figure it the geometrical relations in the code.

% P1 and P2 are column vectors r1 and r2 are their respective radius. % P1 = [x1;y1]; P2 = [x2;y2];

d2 = sum((P2-P1).^2);
P0 = (P1+P2)/2+(r1^2-r2^2)/d2/2*(P2-P1);
t = ((r1+r2)^2-d2)*(d2-(r2-r1)^2);
if t <= 0
    fprintf('The circles don''t intersect.\n')
    T = sqrt(t)/d2/2*[0 -1;1 0]*(P2-P1);
    Pa = P0 + T; % Pa and Pb are circles' intersection points
    Pb = P0 - T;
Pint = [Pa, Pb];


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