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开发者_运维百科Closed 11 years ago.
Improve this questionI find it hard to believe that every developer creates their icons manually in various different ways but if that is the case, that is fine. I was wonder what the standard was for creating iOS icons (home screen icons, etc.)
Apple do have some guidelines for creating icon of app. Via:
Doing some search, you'll find a lot of article talking about icon making experience. Such as:
And here's a tutorial on making icon:
I hope those links help.
This could help you.. http://blog.cocoia.com/2010/iphone-ipad-icon-psd-template/
First hit for "iphone icon template" via Google. ;)
What do you mean by official way?
Application icons have standard sizes and format... Format is png 24 bit. Sizes vary depending on the use of the icon...