How can I embed an textLayout_1.0.0.595.swz
into my swf file?
This swz is a bit explained at
It is additional part of flash runtime, which is needed to show my swf file. But now, I must to put this textLayout_1.0.0.595.swz at the same dir as my swf. Can I开发者_JAVA百科 aggregate swz and swf in a single, playable (with flash plugin) file?
You can get the swc from here if it's not already saved on your machine...
You can then merge the swc into your swf by changing the "Default Linkage" to "Merged into code"
RSL mechanism, which is a Flex feature, use SWZ file. So you can't use SWZ in flash applications.
What you need is a SWC file.